This morning I did a zoopharma session with Salma. This is the third session since she arrived three months ago.

Rose Otto:    Looks at bottle, licks, tail wags, moves closer, close sniff right up to bottle and then moved away to about 2m. I closed bottle. 10cm.

Angelica Root.   Mouth smacks. Sniffs focusing on bottle at 10cm. Nose twitches, Lay very still and lowered head. 10cm

Violet leaf:    Tail wags. Head down facing at 45º angle to bottle. Smacks, rest & more mouth smacks. Licks 8cm

Sandalwood:   Stretched out on right side, nose oriented towards bottle, nose twitches  15cm

Mimosa:    No reaction

Neroli:   Nose twitches, Breathing slow, deep & rhythmical  10cm
Nutmeg:  No reaction

In a previous session she also relaxed totally with sandalwood. It turned out to be timely because shortly after finishing the session there was a great noise of fireworks as a nearby village celebrates its “fiesta”.