Thank you for showing an interest in learning about zoopharmacognosy, how animals can self-select to repair, improve and maintain their physical, mental and emotional health.
This is a fascinating journey where we learn to leave aside our own preconceptions and allow ourselves to be led by the animals we are working with — not always easy when we are used to deciding every aspect of their lives: what and when they will eat; where, when and with whom they can play or walk, the veterinary attention they require… sometimes this can be a steep learning curve for us, but our animals will be grateful for the chance to exercise their innate knowledge of what is right for them.
I hope you will join me on this exploration into the world of plants and minerals where we will learn how animals can benefit from them.
Mary, J. Rodriguez M.A. (Hons); Dip. Ed.; Dip IAZ
Certified Tellington Touch® Practitioner Senior Advanced
To find out what this course can offer you and the animals who share your life, click here!