After months of preparation, writing, recording, revising and editing, the online certification course is now up and running. This has been a steep learning curve for me in terms of the technology involved, and I could certainly not have reached this final launch without the invaluable help of Brad Shaw who set up the software and with infinite patience guided me along the way. I am sure I must have driven him mad to distraction at times because I really am a novice in the IT field, and my inadequacies must surely have been frustrating for someone who is an expert. However, he did bear with me, and the course is finally on air and ready for you all.

I truly believe that this course provides a solid grounding in all the aspects involved in animal self-selection as it covers both the practical aspects of how to work as well as exploring the world of plants, the basic science of essential oils and essential aspects of pharmacology. I believe that as certified zoopharmacognosists we need to understand more than just the mechanics of the work. Understanding what underpins that work means that we can provide a better service both to the animals who are brought to us for help and to the people who may attend the workshops we offer.

It has been a long and laborious journey but I think that the result has been worth the effort.

I hope you will join me in this adventure!