Anxiety Webinar

In September I plan to offer a series of webinars on various topics. The first one will be "What is Anxiety and how can we help our animals overcome it?" This topic was chosen by students who feel that it an important issue. The webinars will begin in the second half of September. The final [...]

Anxiety Webinar

Starting in September I plan to offer a series of webinars on various topics. The first one will be “What is Anxiety and how can we help our animals overcome it?” This topic was chosen by students who feel that it an important issue. The first webinar will be held on September 30th. Initially the [...]

Reactivity Webinar

Webinar exploring reactivity from an integrative perspective with Tellington Touch and Zoopharmacognosy. This webinar will be in English. If you wish to attend please contact


Webinar “Anxiety & Zoopharmacognosy”

In this webinar we take a close look at what anxiety is and the many ways in which it may affect the animals we share our lives with or work  with. Then we explore how zoopharmacognosy can provide options to help us and our pets cope with this often stressful condition. Check it out on [...]

Webinar: Multi-animal Households

In this webinar we are going to take a look at some situations which may arise in homes shared by several animals, perhaps of different species. The  we will see what resources zoopharmacognosy and Tellington TTouch have to offer us to help resolve possible issues.

Book Launch “LIbre Elección”

My book "Libre Elección" will be available for sale in the next few days. The book offers a practical guide to zoopharmacognosy and includes an A-Z of the main substances used as well as tables for easy consultation of the different conditions animals may suffer from.

Applied Zoofarmacognosy Course

Madrid , Spain

The courses for the new year ar now being programmed! In February we will offer modules 1 & 2 in Madrid. The courses will comprise both theory and practice and there will be the opportunity to carry out sessions with the participating animals.


Introducción a la Zoofarmacognosis Aplicada I

Online event , United Kingdom

Tenemos el gran placer de repetir el primer módulo del curso Introducción a la Zoofarmacognosis Aplicada los días 27 y 28 de junio y para los que ya han hcho esta primera introducción se ofrecerá un segundo módulo los días 18 y 19 de julio. Ambos cursos se ofrecen online y en un horario que [...]